2024 / 10 / 03
传统的瞄准打蜡新月开始,斋月,伊斯兰日历,第九个月是穆斯林最神圣的一个月。斋月可以追溯到公元610年的宗教意义。穆斯林相信天使加布里埃尔揭示了伊斯兰教的圣书,《ʾān,先知穆罕默德。这发生的晚上是现在公认的最后十夜Ramadan-known Laylat al-Qadr,权力的“夜。“Laylat al-Qadr通常是在27日晚上庆祝斋月。每个月的穆斯林历法始于近似打蜡新月的出现时间和结束29或30天后当新月之后的。正因为如此,斋月开始10到12天前每个公历年,发生在不同的季节。斋月是一个时间来加强与上帝的联系通过祈祷,禁食,自省。伊斯兰教的五大支柱之一,ṣawm,呼吁穆斯林快速从日出到日落期间的斋月。一些,比如孩子,免除禁食。其他人,如老年人或那些打破禁食,因为疾病,有望帮助养活穷人或弥补错过的天后。 Ṣawm is meant to help develop self-restraint and generosity. Muslims are expected to abstain from sexual activity during the day, and to avoid lying, gossiping, and other immoral behavior and thoughts during Ramadan. The end of Ramadan welcomes Eid al-Fitr, the “Feast of Fast-Breaking,” which is celebrated over the first three days of Shawwāl, the tenth month of the Muslim calendar. During this festival, people eat together, pray, visit the graves of deceased relatives, and exchange gifts.