2024 / 10 / 03
Afer a 15-year hiaus, former heavyweigh champio Mike Tyso is se o make his comeback i a highly aicipaed boxig mach.
Wih a record of 50 wis ad 6 losses, Tyso is widely regarded as oe of he greaes heavyweigh boxers of all ime.
Rumors have bee swirlig abou poeial oppoes for Tyso's comeback figh, wih fas eagerly awaiig he official aouceme.
As Tyso prepares for his reur o he rig, he has bee hard a work i he gym, hoig his skills ad geig back io fighig shape.
The boxig world is buzzig wih excieme as Tyso's comeback mach is expeced o draw record-breakig pay-per-view umbers.